How to Keep Possums Away From Your Plants - The Jungle Collective
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How to Keep Possums Away From Your Plants


Possums can be a gardener’s nightmare, munching on fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. If you’re struggling to keep these nocturnal pests out of your garden, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to deter possums and protect your plants. In this blog, we’ll explore various strategies to keep these critters at bay, ensuring your garden remains lush and productive.



Understanding Possums and Their Habits

Possums are opportunistic feeders, attracted to gardens by the availability of food and shelter. They are particularly fond of fruits, vegetables, and young plants. To effectively deter possums, it’s important to understand their habits and what draws them to your garden in the first place.



Removing Food Sources

One of the most effective ways to deter possums is by eliminating food sources that attract them to your garden. This includes:


  1. Securing Pet Food: If you feed your pets outside, ensure their food is not left out overnight. Possums are drawn to pet food, so bring it indoors after feeding your pets.
  2. Managing Compost Bins: Compost bins can be a goldmine for possums if not managed properly. Use secure, closed compost bins to prevent possums from accessing food scraps. Avoid composting meat, dairy, and other high-smell food waste that can attract possums.
  3. Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables Promptly: Regularly harvest ripe fruits and vegetables to prevent possums from feasting on them. Fallen fruit should be picked up immediately to avoid attracting possums.



Protecting Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are a favorite target for possums. To protect your trees, consider the following strategies:


  1. Fruit Tree Netting: Cover your fruit trees with wildlife-friendly netting. Ensure the netting is secured tightly around the trunk and branches to prevent possums from getting through. Choose a fine mesh netting to avoid trapping or harming wildlife.
  2. Tree Guards: Install tree guards around the trunks of your fruit trees. Possums are excellent climbers, but tree guards can prevent them from ascending to the branches. Use smooth, slippery materials like metal or plastic that possums cannot grip.



Using Deterrents

Several natural and commercial deterrents can help keep possums away from your plants:


  1. Repellent Sprays: Commercial possum repellents are available and can be sprayed on plants. These sprays are often made from natural ingredients that are unpleasant to possums but safe for plants and other wildlife.
  2. Homemade Deterrents: Create a homemade possum repellent using ingredients like garlic, chili, and vinegar. Mix these with water and spray around the garden. The strong smell and taste can deter possums from munching on your plants.
  3. Motion-Activated Devices: Install motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or sound devices in your garden. These devices startle possums and scare them away when they approach your plants.


Wildlife Removal Services

If your possum problem is severe and none of the above methods seem to work, it might be time to call in the professionals. Wildlife removal services can help safely and humanely relocate possums away from your property. Ensure the service you choose follows local wildlife regulations and uses humane practices.



Planting Possum-Resistant Plants

Another way to deter possums is by planting species they find less appealing. Some plants possums tend to avoid include:


  1. Marigolds: The strong scent of marigolds can deter possums and other pests.
  2. Lavender: Possums dislike the strong aroma of lavender.
  3. Geraniums: These plants are often avoided by possums and can add beauty to your garden.



Keeping Your Garden Clean

Maintaining a clean and tidy garden can also help deter possums. Remove fallen leaves, fruits, and other debris regularly. Trim overgrown plants and shrubs that could provide shelter for possums. A well-maintained garden is less attractive to these pests.


Deterring possums from your garden requires a combination of strategies. By removing food sources, protecting fruit trees, implementing physical barriers, using deterrents, and considering professional wildlife removal, you can effectively keep possums away from your plants. Additionally, planting possum-resistant plants and maintaining a clean garden will further reduce the likelihood of possum problems. With these tips, you can enjoy a thriving, possum-free garden.


By following these methods, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and more productive garden, free from the damage caused by possums. Happy gardening!


If you want more information about caring for indoor and outdoor plants, check out our shop for a wide selection of both plants and planters.




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